16 Times When Celebrities Lost Their Control After Partying Hard

It is a proven thing that a person can make mistakes or do something unexpected when s/he is under the influence. When for a normal person who is not a public figure it is not the thing to be worried about, for celebrities it definitely is. The reason behind this is that they always have cameras on them, and sometimes unwanted pictures of them get captured.
We can't blame any star for drinking to relieve the stress. But sometimes, celebs completely lose their minds and get carried away. Here in this story, we have gathered some of the pictures of wasted celebs who tried way too much booze.

1. Kendall and Kylie are too young for this.

1. Kendall and Kylie are too young for this.
This picture spread on the internet at the time when the Jenner sisters were still underage to consume alcohol.

2. The British Royals lost their mind.

2. The British Royals lost their mind.
It looks like the Royal couple, Kate Middleton and Prince William drank more than they could handle.

3. Paris needs to watch her step.

3. Paris needs to watch her step.
Paris Hilton is a party animal, and there have been numerous occasions where she has been found drunk, but this time she did more than she could handle. 

4. Kourtney needs help.

4. Kourtney needs help.
The second picture from the Kardashian-Jenner clan and you can expect to have some more.

5. Miley is trying to explain something.

5. Miley is trying to explain something.
I think Miley got carried away with the drinks.

6. Kim can't keep the bottle away.

6. Kim can't keep the bottle away.
Ladies and gentleman, Kim is not a small player, she likes it straight from the bottle. 

7. Beyonce needs some rest.

7. Beyonce needs some rest.
Here comes the unconscious Queen Bey. I think Jay-Z should've helped her after this party.

8. Selena does not know where she is.

8. Selena does not know where she is.
Selena Gomez also drank more than her capacity, and the result is that she lost control of herself.

9. Is Lindsay about to puke?

9. Is Lindsay about to puke?
I think Lindsay forgot that she's in public and her pictures will be captured and distributed on the internet.

10. Tara Reid's expression.

10. Tara Reid's expression.
I think Tara didn't realize that she is sitting on the ground.

11. Paris and Britney's unbreakable party bond.

11. Paris and Britney's unbreakable party bond.
Now you might've understood why I referred Paris Hilton as the party animal in her above picture. This time Britney Spears joins her.

12. Simon thinks a car is the best place to drink.

12. Simon thinks a car is the best place to drink.
I think Simon Cowell took many auditions and decided to relax with drinks.

13. Avril Lavigne does not give a damn.

13. Avril Lavigne does not give a damn.
I don't know how she did this because a person's throat can easily burn by taking alcohol directly.

14. This is how Pamela rolls.14. This is how Pamela rolls.

I think Pamela enjoyed her time after getting high with some drinks.

15. Justin Timberlake went to a game in this condition.

15. Justin Timberlake went to a game in this condition.
This is probably one of the most well-known drunk celeb incidents of all time. Justin gave an interview to Joe Buck while he was under the influence of beer.

16. Brad Pitt displaying his sobriety.

16. Brad Pitt displaying his sobriety. 
Brad looks high AF, but still trying to pretend like he is sober. Well, Brad, everyone tries to do this after some drinks.

That's all, folks!
